Code name: Crimson
Birth name: Agi Ookami

The story of AgiOokami begins far away from the world we know and in the realm of the gods. There are different pantheons in the realms of the gods, much like countries in our world; borders and seas separate them from each other. The gods are restricted to remain in their own pantheon to stop a world-ending war of the gods. This tale begins with two gods breaking those rules and risking everything to meet.Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun, born one of three siblings, children of the father of all creation in the Japanese pantheon. For a time Amaterasu and her siblings got along; she was even married to her brother Tsukuyomi as is the custom of those gods. For a time, they ruled the day and night in harmony until one day, Tsukuyomi showed his true colors and struck down another god. Amaterasu was pure of heart and could not abide this, She banished her brother, and day and night were separated forever.Amaterasu had the divine right to rule the heavens, and this angered her youngest brother Susanoo. Susanoo’s arrogance led their father to banish him, but before he left, he pleaded to visit Amaterasu to say his goodbyes and make peace with her. This was, however, a ruse to get close to Amaterasu. Without Amaterasu having the support of Tsukuyomi, the youngest of the siblings saw an opportunity to get some revenge on her. Susanoo blamed Amaterasu for his banishment and went on a rampage. His actions were so fierce it drove Amaterasu into hiding, and she fled to the earth in the form of a brilliant white wolf.Susanoo claimed themselves the divine ruler of the heavens but ruled through fear and corruption. One of Amaterasu’s attendants searched for a way to reach their goddess and eventually found their way to Amaterasu with the help of other gods and goddesses. They begged Amaterasu to return, and although at first, she refused. After hearing the tales of her youngest brother and how he ruled the heavens, she knew she must go back. The problem was that it would not be so simple. There was no direct path back to the heavens, and she spent many years searching for a path before she finally discovered a way to reenter the realm of the gods; however, She would enter in a place of limbo between the pantheons.Amaterasu ran and ran, seeking her home but was lost in the seemingly never-ending mists of limbo. She tried and tried but could not shake the mists for what felt like an eternity, the sadness welled up inside her for her home, and she broke down, letting out a mournful howl that was almost unheard, except by one, That one was Fenrir.Fenrir was the Norse wolf god of terror and fear, one so powerful the prophecies told of his part he would play in Ragnarok, where he would strike down the all-father Odin. He had been growing in size and ferocity, and the Norse gods had begun to devise plans to bind him out of fear of the havoc he would cause across the Norse pantheon.At the sound of Amaterasu’s pleading howl, his keen wolf ears twitched as he alone heard it. For the first time in his existence, he was moved by another’s plight. He raced in the direction of the sound and reached the border of the Norse pantheon. His anger grew as he realized he could not cross the barrier that led to limbo. Fenrir was stubborn and refused to back down; with each attempt, his body and power grew, filled with rage until finally, he broke through and made it to limbo.At first, the mists surrounded him as they did Amaterasu causing him to get lost. Once again, the stubborn Fenrir refused to back down and let out a tremendous howl that parted the mists. Amaterasu heard this and continued her howl, guiding this unknown wolf to her. Finally, Fenrir reached her and had yet another first as he witnessed her beauty and grace.She told him her tale, and he shared his own. Together they journeyed across the realm of the gods, ever searching for a way to get Amaterasu back home. While this is a fantastical tale in itself, it is not the one we are telling today. Amaterasu and Fenrir grew close as they journeyed together and even fell in love. By the time they had reached their destination, Amaterasu was pregnant.Fenrir desperately wanted to stay with Amaterasu but knew in doing so, he would cause the Norse gods to track him down and most likely cause a devastating war in the process. After helping Amaterasu defeat Susanoo and reclaiming her place as the divine ruler of the heavens, Fenrir knew he had to leave to keep her safe. The two howled together once more, and Fenrir disappeared back into the mists.Fenrir would return home only to find that leaving the Norse pantheon was the final straw for the Norse gods, and they bound him permanently. The craftsmen of the gods, the dwarfs, forged the strongest chains they could create. Now bound, Fenrir could cause no more trouble for the gods until Ragnarok came.Amaterasu was wise and hid her pregnancy and gave birth to her son, AgiOokami, in secret. She knew that he would never be accepted in her pantheon, and should the Norse gods ever learn of his existence; they may well come for him and demand he go with them. To protect her son, she raised him in secret, sharing his existence with no other. It was a lonely life for him, seeing only his mother and even then sparingly. But Amaterasu had no choice, only wanting to protect the young pup.AgiOokami had very little to do in his younger years; he played with toys that his mother had made for him and mainly remained docile. His powers had been suppressed so that no one could discover him. AgiOokami had no idea about the heavens or the earth and, in many ways, was utterly clueless. Like all secrets hidden in the dark, they eventually come to light.While the specifics of the secret had not been discovered, it had been revealed that Amaterasu had been stealing away to a secret location, and prying eyes had started to follow her. Amaterasu was no fool and evaded them, but she knew that the secret of her son could be kept no longer; she had to take action. As she had no contact with her beloved Fenrir, she had no option but to send the young AgiOokami to the earthly realms where he would be beyond the reach of the other gods. It pained her to do so, but she had no choice if she wished to protect her son and the heavens she ruled over.
She had little time to prepare AgiOokami and knew that by sending him to earth, he would not just be beyond the reach of the other gods but also beyond her own reach. At the same time, she would be able to occasionally watch from the heavens even that act would be dangerous and could possibly lead to danger. She often wept as she knew from this point on AgiOokami would be on his own. She kissed him goodbye and sent him far away.
When AgiOokami woke for the first time on earth, he had no memory of his heavenly origins; he had no idea who he was or why he looked so different to the people around him. To make matters worse, for the first time in his life, his powers had awoken. He had no idea where he was, who he was, or what the feeling of this power building up inside him was. He cried out in anguish and pain, howling at the moon.Hunters heard the call of the wolf, and fearing a dangerous animal was loose, they gathered their weapons and headed to the call. Nothing could have prepared them for what they saw, a wolf and human hybrid that was still a cub child. In their fear, they raised their weapons to AgiOokami. AgiOokami was not even aware of their intentions or what the weapons were, but the animal instinct in him recognized the danger and took over. His eyes turned red like a fire was burning inside them. The power that had been building inside of him exploded like a bomb; a deep red magical fire erupted from AgiOokami, engulfing the entire area around him and swallowing up the hunters, reducing them and the nearby building to ash.The blood red fire burned for three days as AgiOokami screamed in fear and rage. It was terrifying to look upon and kept all the humans away from him. The fire burned for an entire mile around AgiOokami, leaving nothing but him behind. Finally, AgiOokami collapsed from exhaustion. A cloud of thick smoke was left behind and shielded AgiOokami, the smoke itself caused terror in all who approached, and even the bravest human fled once reaching it.AgiOokami woke and was afraid and ashamed of what had happened. He began to run and did not look back; he ran and ran until he was deep in the mountains. His survival instincts were strong even though he often did not understand what or why he acted in certain ways, hunting, seeking shelter, and howling at night. Eating, drinking, and protecting oneself against the elements and predators was simply not a concern you had to deal with in the heavenly realms. These were skills he had never learned; even if his memory were complete, he would still not understand why he had to do such things.AgiOokami’s confusion often led to rage, and when the rage built up inside of him, he could not contain it, and once again, he would explode with the blood red fire of the gods and destroy everything in sight. This incident would be replayed many times over when AgiOokami tried to remember his past. It would happen again when AgiOokami came across a pack of wolves and would question why he was alone, where his pack was, where were those like him, and why they had abandoned him. It would happen when he would get close to civilization and wanted to know why he was so different from the humans or the other animals. It was not long before humans and animals alike feared AgiOokami’s lonely mountain of blood red fire.AgiOokami aged very slowly, and many decades past, he grew to become an excellent hunter and had even begun to be able to control his own rage; the eruptions within him happened much less frequently now. Now he was able to control it to some degree and was a master of stealth AgiOokami began to spy on the humans. He learned much about them, their language, culture, and how frail they were. He watched some of the humans from birth to death. AgiOokami never understood why they were so frail; from his father, he had inherited the power of destruction, but he had gained a healing light from his mother. No matter how badly he had injured himself or been wounded in combat by other predators when the sun rose, AgiOokami would heal all of his wounds.AgiOokami had enough of solitude and decided to walk amongst the people. He vividly remembered the fear of those humans who had seen him for the first time. To combat this, AgiOokami stole a heavy cloak with a hood that would cover his wolf-like ears and tail. He left the lonely blood red mountain behind and began to walk amongst the people.Even though AgiOokami had learned the local human language from observation, he still found it challenging to put it into practice. He also struggled with social cues and normal behavior. Even though his wolf features were hidden, he could not hide his animalistic tendencies. AgiOokami was viewed as being weird and an outsider at best. This would cause the anger, frustration, and rage to well up inside of him once more, and even though he could keep the explosions at bay, he could not suppress an aura of terror coming off him at these times. This led to people not wanting to be around him and avoiding him.One day a human decided to call AgiOokami out on being a freak who nobody liked, an argument ensued. AgiOokami found himself unable to contain his own power, and once again, the fires appeared in his eyes before he exploded in blood red fire that burned away his cloak. Just like before, it caused a wave of panic and terror that led to the humans brandishing weapons and threats.AgiOokami had more control over the blood red fire and used it to lash out against his attackers with a brutal efficiency that had never been seen before. Refusing to run away and hide anymore, AgiOokami went on a rampage burning everything in his path as he stalked across the land, breathing terror and fire to all who would challenge him. AgiOokami went wherever he wanted, taking anything he wanted.Many wrongly called AgiOokami a demon as he went about his warpath. This did, however, get noticed by actual demons. The demons had been living amongst the humans in secret, the demons had been having their way with the humans for centuries, but all demons abided by the rule that their true nature would never be discovered. Any demon that broke this rule was swiftly dealt with by the powerful demon lords who ensured that their existence remained secret.The demon lords understood that if they were to live out in the open and attempt to conquer the earth by force, far greater powers would intervene. At first, they considered that AgiOokami could be one of their kind but quickly learned he was something else entirely. They decided that they must deal with this problem. Even though he was not one of their kind, the fact people were calling him a demon could lead to them becoming discovered. The demons did not expect history to repeat itself, and just like his father before him when the Norse gods attempted to restrain Fenrir, it took three attempts before the demons captured AgiOokami.The demons first attempted to simply grab AgiOokami from the streets and pull him into a place hidden by magic. They sent strong warrior demons to intercept AgiOokami by force. Six burly demons slipped out of the shadows and circled AgiOokami. They made the mistake of taunting him rather than just springing to action.AgiOokami had his first battle with opponents who were not so far beneath him that he could destroy them in a single blast. He fought tooth and claw for hours with them. It was not that AgiOokami could not defeat them much more that he relished the fight; for the first time in his life, he had a way to let out all of his anger in a satisfying way. AgiOokami was finally starting to get tired and had sustained several injuries, so he allowed his power to explode out of him at full force, absolutely obliterating all six demons.As AgiOokami stood in the aftermath of the battle, a fight that had pretty much destroyed a small town, he laughed out loud. Before he could fully enjoy this moment, a legion of demons stepped out of a shadow portal. The demon lords had been watching and realized they had underestimated AgiOokami, so they sent reinforcements. AgiOokami knew he could not defeat them all, so he went down on all fours and pushed his explosive power into his muscles. He dipped, dodged, and dived past all of them, fleeing to safety.In their second attempt, the demons laid out a trap for AgiOokami. Much like a hunter’s trap for an animal, it was hidden, ready to release as AgiOokami ran past, ensnaring him in chains. The Legion drove AgiOokami to the trap and waited for him to spring it. The trap worked just as planned, and AgiOokami was bound by multiple chains. AgiOokami struggled before realizing he must build his power in his muscles once again and allowing his rage to explode. He ripped free of the chains and once again fled.The demon lords now knew that they had underestimated AgiOokami once again and decided to develop a new plan. They recalled the legion and had chains made in the forges of hell that were reinforced with demonic strength and power. Finally, they imbued the chains with and energy field that would sap the power of those it restrained and send that power to strengthen the chains themselves. The stronger the opponent’s power, the stronger the chains would get. A demon lord himself would take the chains and bring in AgiOokami themselves. They could afford no more mistakes.AgiOokami was feeling confident; just like his father, he had escaped the bonds of his enemies twice now. When the demon lord appeared before AgiOokami, he went full force into battle. The demon lord knew that he would have to expose himself to bind the chains around AgiOokami but was prepared to make the sacrifice. AgiOokami bit off the demon lord’s arm, but the chains were wrapped around him. With the demon lord’s remaining arm, he pulled the chains tight, not only restricting AgiOokami but sapping his power out of him. Dragging the chained AgiOokami behind him, he stepped through a shadow portal to the Asylum.

AgiOokami was dragged down to the deepest and darkest reaches of the Asylum. The Asylum was a demonic prison, generally reserved for other demons who refused to submit to the demon lords; it occasionally housed powerful creatures such as AgiOokami. He was placed in a straight jacket that was stamped on the shoulders with the image of a wolf, along with some dog tags that they had branded with the word ‘𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓.’ This was the code name they had assigned to AgiOokami due to red streaks that ran through his hair.AgiOokami would howl and howl for the first few days, but this was put to a stop as they placed a metal muzzle over his face. The demons were extremely interested in AgiOokami’s healing ability, and for decades they would experiment on him, desperately trying to learn how to harness this ability for themselves. AgiOokami would take every opportunity to escape. Even with his powers being suppressed by the chains, he was a formidable force and killed several demons in his attempts to escape. The Asylum had been designed as unbreakable and unbeatable and was filled to the brim with demon guards to prevent such attempts.Occasionally just to torment AgiOokami, the demons would even create scenarios where they would trick AgiOokami into thinking he was escaping only to be shut down. They spent decades chipping away at his spirit, desperately trying to break him. Through all the torture and torment, AgiOokami never gave up trying to escape, but after a hundred years, the demons had stopped giving him chances. They were no closer to unlocking the secrets of AgiOokami’s power and had lost interest. AgiOokami simply remained chained up and left to rot in a deep dark cell.Far far away in the heavens of Amaterasu, she had been checking in on her son from time to time but could only manage to steal away every few decades to look upon him without discovery. Each time she had been left in tears and the struggles of her son. She had missed him evading the demons and his eventual capture, but now he was in Asylum, her magic was blocked from view, and she had no idea of the plight of her son. She knew it must be wrong and howled out in pain. The howl was so loud even the captured and chained Fenrir heard her pain. Fenrir knew the howl was that of a heartbroken mother and figured out that something must have happened to AgiOokami.Fenrir tried to break free but was unable to do so, and a tear rolled down his face. This tiny detail went unnoticed to all but Fenrir’s father, Loki. The trickster god knew that something was amiss, and his curiosity for the matter could not be contained. He visited Fenrir daily to try and pry the details from Fenrir’s lips but failed again and again. Eventually, he used his trickster magic repeatedly until Fenrir believed he was in a dream and revealed his son’s existence. Fenrir was about to talk of Amaterasu when he realized he was being tricked and snapped his large jaw at Loki, almost biting him in half. Loki just escaped at the last second and smiled a wry smile, he knew at least one of Fenrir’s secrets, and that was enough to content him, for now.The thought of a grandchild played on Loki’s mind. This situation was unexpected. In all the prophecies and divinations of the future, this had never been mentioned. Had Fenrir changed fate itself? and if so, what role would this young god play. Loki began a search that would take him decades to complete, but he was determined to find Fenrir’s son. Eventually, his magic broke through the shroud that covered Asylum, and he spied his grandchild for the first time.He looked upon AgiOokami, A wolf and man hybrid, ears and tail of a wolf and hair long and thick like fur, it that was streaked with crimson fur. He was fastened in a straight jacket stamped with a demonic symbol; a metal muzzle mask covered his face, dog tags branded ‘Crimson’ hung from his neck. Mystical demonic chains bound him and were fixed to each wall. Loki could see that the boy’s power was immense but was being siphoned off by the chains. At first, Loki had assumed Fenrir had simply mated with a lesser being but now was convinced this child was a pure-blood god. He beamed from ear to ear when he thought of the chaos that his grandchild could cause if he were released. He knew these chains would not be easy to break and would have to enlist the help of the dwarf craftsmen of the Norse gods.The dwarfs were not easy to convince; they had fallen prey to Loki’s schemes and tricks in the past. Loki had to make many promises and sacrifices in order to get them to construct some magical bolt cutters that would free his grandchild. Loki knew in his heart that this would all be worth it, the birth of a new god was unprecedented, and he was dammed if he would leave Crimson in the hands of the demon lords. Loki had made his mind up and had the bolt cutters constructed. He decided to go and taunt Fenrir and suggested that he would save the child only if Fenrir revealed the truth of the child’s mother. Fenrir rescinded with a roar that shook the heavens; in a low and guttural growl, he told Loki that if he did not drop the identity of the mother right now and forever, he would break free of the chains and consume Loki whole. Loki felt Fenrir’s sincerity and terror pierce his heart and knew it to be true. He dropped the matter there and then and gave it no more thought.It took a large amount of Loki’s magic to penetrate the defenses of the Asylum unseen, but he managed it in the end. It would take him months, if not years, to recover, but once again, he knew it was worth it. Finally, he stood before Crimson. AgiOokami was unaware of another presence. After centuries of solitude, he had retreated into himself and barely acknowledged the physical world. Loki snapped his fingers, and the metal muzzle mask clanged to the floor. He looked AgiOokami in the eye and watched as the dull fires ignited once more.At first, AgiOokami assumed this was another demon come to taunt him. A stoic look remained on AgiOokami’s face. After all, he had endured, he refused to give anyone the benefit of seeing his emotions. When the shadowy figure pulled out the golden bolt cutters, engraved in dwarven runes, and clipped at the chains, he was more than surprised. Even when the demons had tricked him into believing that he could escape, they never removed the chains. The chains that had bound him for so long easily fell to the ground, and with a click of his fingers, the shadowy figure made the bolt cutters disappear.AgiOokami felt his power trickle back into him. He took in a deep breath and burst out of the straight jacket bindings; the remains of the white garment hung from him like a jacket. While his power continued to fill his veins, AgiOokami looked up at the tall shadowy figure and asked who he was? The figure replied, “I am a friend Crimson, You are a child of gods, and I believe you will do great things,” and then, with another click of his fingers, Loki vanished, leaving AgiOokami alone once again.AgiOokami stood confused, he had never had a friend, and nobody had ever called him by a name before. He wondered if the shadowy figure indeed was a friend or if Crimson was his name. He looked down at his dog tags decided he would make this name his own, a name for the demons to fear. As he thought about the demons, the rage started to well up inside of him, and he knew he would be able to erupt into a greater explosion than ever. He started to build it up, ready to bring the Asylum down to rubble but then stopped. He controlled his rage and redirected his power to be distributed throughout his body. He would not make this quick; he would not give the demons that luxury. He would make it slow and terrifying. He would repay them in kind for his time spent here.Crimson rampaged throughout the Asylum, taking his time to trash the place and pull the demons limb from limb. He was brutal and bloodthirsty, showing no mercy. They had never shown him any, so why should he. Crimson carved his way to the exit of the Asylum and blasted open the doors; he had no idea where he was, and as he stepped one foot outside, he stopped and stared back into the building. He wanted to be free, yes, but did he really want to be outside in the world, the people had never excepted him, and there was no place he could call home.He turned back to the Asylum and ripped what was left of the door off the hinges. He decided to make this place his home. There must still be plenty of demons inside for him to terrorize, and the place was a vast maze-like complex he could explore at his leisure. He could break out the other prisoners and allow them to cause trouble for the demons. Even better, he could open the Asylum up as a place where anybody he had felt like him, like they did not belong, a place to call home. A place of safety from the cruel world, a sanctuary. If there were any out there that needed a place like this, he would be there for them.As Crimson began to rampage through the Asylum once again, he began to understand that it would take him years, maybe even decades, to explore it all. He found all kinds of technology and devices that he had never seen before. There was so much for him to do here, and he had even found a device called a computer that would allow him to see the outside world and even interact with it from a safe distance. Crimson built up a comfortable home within the Asylum and could happily spend his days hunting down demons who lived in fear of him, breaking out prisoners and sending them off to cause trouble for the demon lords, and when he was bored of all that he could use the computers to see what the humans were up too. Perhaps this would not be his forever home, but this would certainly do for now.Crimson remains very stoic after his years of isolation, but every now and then, the fire is rekindled in his eyes, and moments of madness come to pass. Often in these moments, he will seek out opponents for him to fight and use rage to push through the madness. Sometimes he feels as though he is being watched from the shadows and wonders if the figure who called himself a friend is keeping an eye on him. He often wonders who his parents are and why they abandoned him. He marvels at how the humans he interacts with on the computer are so different from those he met hundreds of years ago. Once, they feared him, but now they are fascinated with him. He practices control over his own power and plans to go on an epic adventure to find out the truth to all his questions one day.Loki watches and smiles at what Crimson did to his captures and eagerly awaits to see how his story unfolds. Loki also told Fenrir that his son is free, mostly out of fear, but Fenrir is pleased. Amaterasu has been able to look down on her son and smiles to see him happy for perhaps the first time in his life; his current existence is not one she would choose for him, but she is pleased he is happy nonetheless. The demon lords watched at Crimson tore apart some of their best guards and defenses. They are constantly struggling to mitigate the damage every time Crimson releases a prisoner. They rightly fear crimson and do not wish to draw his attention to them and have given up on reclaiming the Asylum.